About BTRE
Beyond The Roses Equine Rescue and Retirement (BTRE) is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization that rehabilitates, retrains, and adopts Thoroughbreds into approved homes for second careers. Those that can’t be place are sometimes accepted into our Sanctuary. Since opening our doors, BTRE has placed over 250 Thoroughbreds into loving homes.
Founded in 2012, Beyond The Roses Equine is a concerned group of citizens who had previously banded together in order to retire-rescue deserving racehorses who had outlived their usefulness to their respective connections. In many cases, these horses had been career claimers – hard knockers running for a tag no one could afford at lower level tracks, or once celebrated horses with back class no longer able to perform at the graded stakes level, yet still viable for the bottom rung of competition. Many of these were War Horses with over 75 starts with lifetime earnings of over $500,000. Over the last couple years we have found ourselves helping many broodmares that ended up in bad situations when they could no longer produce for their owners. The mares we have helped over the last 2 years were producers of over 35 foals. Horses with pedigrees containing the names Distorted Humor, Tiznow, Black Tie Affair, Alphabet Soup, Smart Strike, Forestry, Bellamy Road, Dixieland Band, Kitten’s Joy and more. These horses had given their all, through dozens of starts and thousands of dollars, but still at the end of the day, they were asked for more. And so, the group of concerned citizens that would become Beyond the Roses, begin campaigning for the retirement of these hard knocking warriors with one mission statement in mind….to retire these old warriors off the track in time for them to still have the physical wherewithal to enjoy being “just a horse.” Beyond the Roses Equine specializes in finding safe haven for aging campaigners whose time has come. The heart of a Thoroughbred and the innate drive to win will sadly outlast the legs that carry them. Beyond The Roses Equine looks to work with trainers and owners in a professional and fair manner, while encouraging them to stop on the former stakes winner finishing last – or the claiming plugging away to fill race cards. Beyond The Roses seeks an alternative end for these hard working horses while they are still able to have a second career. It is also the hope of BTRE that owners and trainers will be empowered by the positive response and appreciation and will therefore be more inclined to seek to transition their horses into a new chapter at the end of their races careers with a positive outcome. There are miles to go before we achieve this heady goal – but we have to work toward change, one horse, one owner at a time, one trainer at a time, one retirement or rescue at a time. BTRE is on constant watch for several horses that qualify for concern. Not every seasoned competitor can be John Henry or Seabiscuit – and not even if they could run forever. So what sets us apart is the ability to know when to stop on these horses and put their needs first. Please join us in the fight to help these wonderful horses see a life past the racetrack…a life with a family to call their own, a green pasture to graze in and time to be just…part of the herd.
Donating your horse
Horse racing is an exciting sport. Horses compete against each other going 40 mph around the track with only one winning the race. When they become less competitive they are moved to lesser tracks. Many, after racing, go into breeding or get placed into good homes. What happens to the ones that become less competitive? There are over 70 Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance organizations that are willing to help these horses into second careers. These organizations, as with Beyond The Roses Equine Rescue & Retirement (BTRE), exist completely on donations and grants that they can obtain. Responsible rescues can only take into their program what is financially feasible to maintain. There are a few sanctuaries available for those that are not capable of going into second careers but they are limited as to how many they can maintain. There are thousands that don’t make it into racing. What happens to all of these horses? Many do find their way into homes and rescues that will train them for another career. Many end up at auctions and in kill pens days after their last race. BTRE tries in every way to help as many as we can in every situation.
When donating a horse to any rescue, you need ask yourself a few questions.
1. Will my horse be able to be adopted? The age, health of the horse and level of training is important.
2. Have you checked out the rescue you are donating your horse to. Are they a 501c3 and have a reputable program?
3. Does my horse need extra care that will put a burden on the organization?
The following are some of the guidelines BTRE has set up for donating horses.
BTRE is not set up for taking in Stallions. If you wish to donate a stallion, the horse will have to be gelded first.
Untrained Horses
Taking in an untrained horse is a huge project. There are very few people that will adopt an untrained horse and it is difficult to find that special person. These situations place a burden on the rescue as the horse will be with the rescue for months in training. Untrained horses may be accepted with us in special circumstances.
Horses from the track
BTRE accepts horses that can no longer compete in racing. Our spots are limited and we try to help as many as possible. We ask that the horses be up to date with vaccines and if it has a medical issue, x-rays be provided with the horse. Horses donated from the track will receive a donation receipt for their horse.
Horses with health problems
Horses with problems take extra time, money and resources. BTRE takes into our program as many as we can, but at times there are limits for these types of horses with special needs. Many will need that one special person to adopt them and those homes are few and far between. Many need pasture homes, which are next to impossible to find these days with the cost of feed and hay. The rescue will need to know the complete history and health issues for these horses before accepting them into our program.
Elderly horses
BTRE constantly receives phone calls requesting us to take in horses into their 20’s. Unfortunately BTRE is limited with room and the funds needed to maintain these horses as most are Sanctuary pasture horses. To be able to maintain our current Sanctuary herd and be able to assist other horses needing to be placed into new homes, we are not in a position to take in elderly horses at this time.
Kill Pen horses
Unfortunately, lately many horses that have recently competed in racing show up in kill pens shortly after their last race. Through no fault of their own, many of these horses just can’t compete any longer and can go on to have a healthy second career. There are also many broodmares that can no longer produce that are showing up there. BTRE will help these horses only when we can get financial assistance with helping them. BTRE will not purchase these horses with funds from the rescue. It must be donated to help this specific horse. In many cases other funds are needed for these special horses. Bail and transport also needs to be raised for this horse. Once taken from the pens, our horses receive any medical and farrier care needed and are placed into quarantine for no less than 30 days. When they are clean of diseases, they are brought to our farms where they are rehabilitated and trained for a second career.
Board Members of BTRE
Sharman Privett, President/Co-Founder
Jennifer Hubbell, Vice PresidentSecretary
Gail Hirt, Executive Director/
Shelby Abney, Board Member
Bruce Privett, Board Member
Lynn Sullivan, Board Member